💦 The future of The Water Coolest...

I need your help

Hey there weekday warriors,

It's Sunday, so I'll keep this short...

I sent out a quick (anonymous) survey this week, and a f*ck ton of you completed it. You the real MVPs.

But there are still a ton of you I'm dying to hear from. And I’d love nothing more than if you took a few minutes this morning to complete the survey that will help shape the future of TWC.

Since I know your time is valuable and because I am not above bribery... I'm giving a $250 Amazon gift card to one lucky reader who completes the survey (chosen at random next week).

(BTW, if you already completed the survey, have no fear - you'll be included in the drawing).

Participating in the survey will help me ensure The Water Coolest is able to remain free and independent.


Keep on snapping necks and cashing checks,

- tyler