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And another SpaceX rocket blows up

Hey there weekday warriors,

What’s that? You thought your job sucked? Well, at least you aren’t forced to go to the office no matter the weather, deal with customers tossing chairs at you, and, on top of all of that, get charged for food you didn’t eat.

Waffle House workers are protesting the establishment’s standard “in-house dining deduction.” Turns out, workers are charged whether they eat or not.

Here’s what else we’re getting into…

  • Sam Altman/OpenAI drama

  • SpaceX’s Starship “successful” explosion

  • Meta gets irresponsible with AI

Enjoy the next 4 minutes and 11 seconds of blue-chip news and commentary.

Keep on snapping necks and cashing checks,

+ US stocks “were higher after the close on Friday, as gains in the Oil & Gas, Consumer Services and Industrials sectors led shares higher." (Investing.com)

+ The 10-year Treasury yield "hit its lowest level in about two months as investors bet that the U.S. Federal Reserve’s rate-hiking campaign could finally be over." (CNBC)

+ Oil "jumped more than 4% on Friday, rebounding from a four-month low hit in the previous session, as investors who had taken short positions took profits and while U.S. sanctions on some Russian oil shippers lent support." (Reuters)

+ Bitcoin hovered around $36.5k for most of the weekend.

+ The three most talked about stocks on WallStreetBets in the past 24-hours were: 1) C3.ai +0.96% 2) Nvidia -0.37% 3) Microsoft -1.68%.


Sam Altman has still got a little bit of fight left in him… (Source: Giphy)

If I had a nickel for every time my superiors lost confidence in me…

Sam Altman was forced out of his role as CEO of OpenAI on Friday… although ChatGPT probably wouldn’t know yet because Bing is more useless than your intern.

As you might expect, everyone immediately freaked the f*ck out. Reactions fell into two camps: 1) this is the biggest tech coup since Steve Jobs got booted from Apple 2) this mere mortal was playing God and needed to be stopped before he ushered in an age where humans become subservient to artificial intelligence.

So wtf happened?

According to the company, “The board no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading OpenAI.” After an internal probe (sounds painful) the board “concluded that [Sam] was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities.”

So what did Sam have to say for himself?

Rumors were flying about what was next for Sam (spoiler: an OpenAI competitor). But he didn’t even have time to get a pitch deck together for his next venture…

Fast-forward 24-hours…

Annnnd it looks like Sam’s ouster might have been more of a “break” than a “break up.” You see, less than a day after he was escorted out of the building, Sam A. is reportedly discussing returning to the company he founded.

In fact, Sama was back at OpenAI HQ on Sunday as a “guest”… reportedly to discuss taking back his role as CEO.

Why the 180?

Because investors and employees love Altman more than UMich fans love Jim Harbaugh. Pretty much everyone who has poured billions of dollars into OpenAI (like Microsoft’s Satya Nadella) is willing to take a bullet for this dude… and is demanding he gets his job back.

Buckle up.

TWCPrimePlus+ is LIVE…

Thanks to all the weekday warriors that have already joined. Your support means a ton to me.

For those of you who haven’t made the jump yet, here’s what you’re missing out on…

Each and every Saturday, I’ll break down one stock, sector, or headline that you need to know about. This weekend, we did a deep dive on what weight loss drugs like Ozempic mean for markets.

Every Saturday Deep Dive includes…

  • THE DEEP DIVE (duh): insights to become a smarter investor

  • ANALYST & EXPERT TAKES: a second opinion

  • WATCH LIST: stocks to keep an eye on

  • CATALYSTS: what’s moving the needle

  • TALKING POINTS: conversation starters (TWC OGs will remember this)

  • RECOMMENDED READING: bonus curated content

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+ Warren Buffett Recommends A Short '2-List' Strategy For Prioritizing Your Goals And Mastering Focus (Read)

+ You could owe 0% capital gains tax for cryptocurrency in 2023. Here’s what crypto investors need to know (Read)

+ How Americans Spend Their Money, Broken Out By Generation (Read)

+ ICYMI yesterday... New Study Reveals 10 Home Buying Myths, Sets The Record Straight On Real Estate Misconceptions (Read)


+ Lamestream media be like “LOL another one of Elon’s rockets blew up. What a loser.” Technically, the Starship test flight didn’t go according to plan, but SpaceX (and all the virgins in the space community) considered the launch a success. Why? Well, before it self-destructed, the Starship actually reached space. Which is more than SpaceX can say about the first launch (which also spontaneously combusted). (Read)

+ It appears that Meta is about to raw dog its AI pursuits from here on out. Zuck’s company disbanded its “Responsible AI” team and reassigned everyone to general AI roles… probably so they don’t snitch about what’s really happening behind the scenes. (Read)

+ This year, there will be a lot to be thankful for in the Fraser house. Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser will have thousands of employees to thank for all the cost savings Citi is about to realize. Massive layoffs will reportedly begin today. The company had previously announced that as part of “Project Bora Bora,” it could make redundant as much as 10% of certain lines of business. Happy holidays. (Read)

+ Nobody is safe at Amazon. Especially people working on tech that’s more of novelty than VR headsets. “Several hundred” people were laid off in the Alexa division Friday. You might recall that Andy Jassy has been cleaning house this year. AMZN has laid off more than 27k employees, including a bunch in the gaming division last week… and some in the music group the week before. (Read)

Meanwhile, on the TWC blog…

(Going to start putting some stuff on The Water Coolest blog to make sure the newsletter stays short and sweet).

+ Tiger and Rory’s indoor golf league (TGL) just hit another MAJOR snag and is turning into a complete sh*tshow… (Read on the TWC Blog)

+ In today’s Browser History, I share some of my favorite links, videos, Tweets etc. from the past 24 hours. Like… a video of the SpaceX Starship blowing up, Sam Altman live-tweeting a coup & a chart showing the hottest trade of each decade. (Read on the TWC Blog)


Here's what I'm keeping an eye on today...

+ Zoom Video reports (remember when we used to care about Zoom?)


Yesterday I asked Would you ever buy a car on Amazon?

My favorite answer: “No, because it’ll probably get stolen from my porch.”

Most of you were down to give it a try if the price was right. And at least a few of you were pumped about not having to deal with a greasy salesman.

Here’s today’s question…

My wife and I were debating this…

Is Thanksgiving week the best week for someone working in corporate America?

Reply directly to this email and I’ll share the best answers tomorrow.

Oh, and one more thing…

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