💦 Happy Black Friday, ya filthy animals

I come bearing gifts

Hey there weekday warriors,

Happy Black Friday to those who celebrate. While every other email you’re getting today is asking you to spend money, I come bearing gifts…

  1. EVERYONE gets FREE access to TWCPrimePlus+ for the next 3 weeks (spoiler: you’ll get your first Deep Dive Saturday AM). No sign-up is required.

  2. And since there are few feelings better than instant gratification… here’s immediate access to the first-ever TWCPrimePlus+ Deep Dive on how weight loss drugs like Ozempic are impacting markets. Read it now ➞

  3. Oh, and if you decide to join TWCPrimePlus+ any time between now and Sunday, December 10th, you’ll pay just $69 for the year (vs. $120) or $7 per month (vs. $12). Join now ➞

Keep on snapping necks and cashing checks,

— tyler

PS, if you have any questions or need some help, email ([email protected]) or text me… seriously (860-833-1240).